FREE No Obligation Design and Quotation Service
Our flat plate aluminium composite church signs are our most popular post mounted external church sign range which we have already supplied over 1,000 churches and places of worship across the UK. Post mounted flat plate aluminium composite church signs are designed to suit your particular requirements. Our popular FREE No Obligation Design Service allows you to work with our designers and to receive a printed colour proof so that you can see exactly what your proposed new church signage look like before you place your order. To use this service we ask that you:-
1/ Download and complete our PDF enquiry form by following the link at the bottom of this page.
2/ Return the completed enquiry form to us via email or in the post.
3/ Our designers use this Information to design your new signs & send you a colour visual and quotation for your consideration.
Post Mounted Aluminium Composite Church Signs
Our range of post mounted aluminium composite church signs are manufactured from high quality 3mm aluminium composite sheet which using the latest technology can be CNC profile cut to almost any shape or size. Our post mounted church signs can be produced to any one of our 26 standard background colours or full colour printed graphics applied. The rear of the signs are a traffic grey finish as standard and have post fixing rails securely attached to the rear of the sign panel. Our post mounted church signs are supplied with factory coated grey aluminium posts as standard but we offer an optional range of powder coated aluminium posts and decorative ball finials to further enhance your new signs.

Why Use Aluminium Composite for your New Church Signs ?
Aluminium composite (ACM) is an alternative material to aluminium that is used in the production of internal and external signage and displays. Widely used in many commercial applications ACM is formed from two thin layers of aluminium which are then bonded to form a sandwich with a low density polyethylene core. The finished sheet is lightweight yet durable and is ideal for long term wall mounted signage applications.

Aluminium Posts & Powder Coated Aluminium Posts
As standard our posts are supplied in a factory applied grey paint finish. To enhance the look of your new church signage we offer a powder coating service where you can choose from white powder coated aluminium posts or coloured powder coated aluminium posts to match or contrast with your sign panel. Some suppliers may offer you factory finished white posts which has a grey tinge to them but our posts are individually powder coated to give you a high quality bright white gloss finish. Our smaller signs are supplied with 1 x 50mm diameter grey painted post 2,500mm length and our larger signs 2 x 76mm grey painted aluminium posts 3,000mm in length. We appreciate that at times longer posts are required ie if your sign is to be sited behind a brick wall, hedge or fence. In these instances we offer a range of post dimeters and post lengths to suit. If you need any help deciding if your posts will be long enough please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

Additional Information Sign Slips
As you can see from the pictures below we offer a range of additional information sign slips which fit directly to the posts below your main church sign. These additional church sign slips are ideal to display information that may change over time ie, telephone numbers, website addresses, your ministers name, caretaker details etc or to give directional information. It is easier and more cost effective to change or replace an additional information sign slip rather than to make changes or indeed replace your main sign

Nationwide Installation Service
We offer a nationwide installation service using our own fully qualified, DBS checked and insured fitting teams. We directly employ our staff and do not use subcontractors. Our simple pricing policy allows for the time taken traveling to and from your site and the actual time on site installing your new signs. All materials such as sign fittings, concrete and finishing tarmac are included in our prices. The only additions that we usually come across is where you would like us to remove large signs for disposal or if extra length sign posts are required. In such instances in addition to our original quotation we would only charge you for the extra time taken or materials used.

Compare The Difference Before You Buy !! - We Offer Safety, Quality and Value for Money
We are proud of the quality of our post mounted flat plate aluminium composite church signs. Like any company we are human and mistakes do occasionally happen but our team will try 100% to ensure that every church sign that leaves our workshops is of the highest possible quality. Price is a huge factor to be considered before purchasing new church signs but so is safety and quality. We believe that it is very important that our customers compare the difference between our church signs and any other proposals they may have received before placing their order.
1/ Our post mounted flat plate church signs have a smooth face & DO NOT have any unsightly fixings or rivets through the face of the signs.
2/ It is IMPORTANT that sign rail fitted to the rear of the sign is recessed & not flush to the edge of the sign to avoid protruding sharp edges.
3/ Our church signs are supplied with radius corners NOT square corners to avoid dangerous sharp edges.
4/ We only use Aluminium Posts NOT Steel Posts - Steel posts are heavy, do not flex and will eventually rust and need replacing.
5/ Aluminium Posts should give the maximum support and be cut to the correct length and NOT protrude above the sign panel.
6/ If additional sign slips are required they have 2 sign rails to the rear NEVER only 1 sign rail with any fixings through the face of the sign.

To Receive your Free No Obligation Colour Visual & Quotation Please Download, Complete & Return the Enquiry Form Below